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We all check our email inbox in search of the important emails and those requiring a quick delete. It is key to remember that as much as we think our message is important if the prospect is busy, there is no need for the product or if the timing is not right for a sale, chances are we are viewed more of a pest then guest.

The product I sell is essentially money. It is a product I would think everyone requires at some time in their life. I don’t view myself as a pest. People that do business with me end up in a better financial situation then they were before. I change lives with a stroke of a pen. I am surprised more people don’t have a use for money. I always find things to do with mine.

Surprisingly my email strategy for the most part is not about money. It is about:

The education on my clients and affiliates

Timely updates on changes in the marketplace

How I work for the client

Expert advice on a variety of financial products

Helping others become successful

Access to other industry experts in related fields

I figure if I help others get what they want first, my needs will be looked after. Give more and receive more. As Maxwell Smart used to say “and loving it”

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