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Synergy Marketing

  I love the idea of developing partnerships with realtors, financial planners, accountants, lawyers, bankers and other professionals that we can share our clients with. Check out my musings to learn more about how it works.   The rules of maximum synergy marketing...

Protect Your Home – Not Your Lender

Part of my job is explaining to clients the advantages and disadvantages of Mortgage Insurance versus Life Insurance coverage, as a means of maintaining their financial commitments in the event of death. Colleague Jeff Gordon of Freedom 55 has graciously provided me...

Tweedledee and Twitterdumb

I have to admit that I don’t understand the practical application of using Twitter, the social networking and micro-blogging service that ranks only behind Facebook and MySpace in popularity. I guess that puts me in the Twitterdumb category. Tweets are text based...

Obama “Oh Momma”

One of the benefits of my own blog is the forum for the occasional rant. The current public outrage over troubled insurance giant AIG paying out $165 million in executive bonuses after receiving billions in bailout funds from the Obama stimulus package provides some...