by bsmith | Jan 22, 2012 | Casb Management Group Inc.
I had the opportunity over the holidays to see the new Mission Impossible movie starring Tom Cruise. It took me back to my favourite Tom Cruise movie, Jerry Maguire where Cruise portrays the sports agent of the same name. This movie produced some famous lines...
by bsmith | Dec 16, 2011 | Casb Management Group Inc.
Several people have asked for my opinion on where interest rates and home prices are headed in 2012. In 2011 we found that interest rates remained at historic lows and threats by the Bank of Canada to effectively raise the prime rate beyond 3% never materialized. Talk...
by bsmith | Dec 5, 2011 | Casb Management Group Inc.
I was against the tightening of mortgage rules and blogged about the topic back on January 17, 2011. Glad others are beginning to clue in as to the real financial problem facing Canadians. Moody’s has yet to offer me a job but I will keep you posted. Here is the...
by bsmith | Dec 1, 2011 | Casb Management Group Inc.
I have been asked to comment on the article Londoners grapple with new ways to solve old problems written by Glen Pearson, co-director of the London Food Bank. Hat off to Glen and the excellent work done by this organization. It is one of my personal favourites and I...
by bsmith | Oct 31, 2011 | Casb Management Group Inc.
In short, no. A common question I receive from clients is: how can a broker obtain a better rate from a big bank, than the client can by walking into their own branch? I tell them it is due to efficiency. The truth – though the banks would never admit it...
by bsmith | Oct 16, 2011 | Casb Management Group Inc., Mortgages, Rant
The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) has set March 12, 2012 as the deadline for completing new licensing requirements for mortgage brokers within the province of Ontario, with the stated purpose is to improve the level of professionalism in the mortgage...
by bsmith | Aug 22, 2011 | Investments, Real Estate
I am a big proponent of “Rent To Own” real estate transactions. If properly structured it results in a win/win/win arrangement for the home owner, investor and the realtor. Unfortunately there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the process and not many...
by bsmith | Aug 22, 2011 | Casb Management Group Inc., How I View The World
People are funny. I have a mortgage colleague who often complains that his business has not taken off as he has expected. His assumption is that he must be missing something like that “magical” marketing piece that is going to have clients beating a path to his door....
by bsmith | Jun 17, 2011 | Casb Management Group Inc., Mortgages, Real Estate
In real estate there is an old adage “When is the best time to purchase real estate?” The answer” It is always the best time to buy real estate” Our question to you is this “When is the best time to refinance my mortgage?” The answer “As soon as you finish reading...
by bsmith | May 30, 2011 | Business Financing, Investments, Mortgages
There has been talk that tomorrow may represent the first day the Bank of Canada chooses to raise the lending rate which as a direct impact on variable interest rates. The election is over so no political fallout will result from this decision. We know the government...
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