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Attention to all you Londoners visiting the April 17-19, 2009 Spring Home & Garden Show. Pay us a visit at Booth #683 and we might show you a way to make this years home improvement FREE or make a major related purchase FREE.

We did for Steve & Kathy

Steve and Kathy live in a middle class London neighbourhood with their three children ages 9 to 14. The family crisis occurred with the news that they were expecting their fourth child. Needing to add another room to their house for the new baby, they determined that part of the garage could be converted into a fourth bedroom. They required $20,000 for renovations but they did’t have any savings. It was hard enough keeping up with the existing monthly bills. What could they do?

I reviewed their finances and ended up securing Steve and Kathy the $20,000 they needed.I was also able to reduce their mortgage amortization by five years and free up over $850 per month to invest in a retirement savings plan.

I you would like to see how the numbers worked on this deal drop me an email at and I will send you the breakdown.

When you visit our Booth #683 make sure you speak to one of our team and enter a draw for two complimentary round-trip airline tickets. Also ask us about the following:

  • $1,350 inĀ  rebates under the Home Renovation Tax Credit Program
  • $10,000 in rebates from the ecoEnergy Retrofit Program
  • Unique business financing programs for expanding businesses

We look forward to seeing you over the weekend and we welcome your comments.